Playlist: Gun Control Myths & Misconceptions

This playlist consists of a series of videos I have made over the years in my ongoing quest, as a gun rights supporter and second amendment absolutist to reach out to the gun control movement writ large, but even more so, to individual advocates of gun control.

Because I believe most gun control advocates are good, decent people, who have as their goal the very laudable aim of saving lives, and truly believe that gun control will accomplish this. The issue comes from how much of the information they are relying on in that belief comes from a malignant few at the peak of that movement who willfully mislead others to engender support for their cause.

These videos consist of an ongoing attempt on my part to reach out to gun control advocates, explain the many myths and misconceptions their beliefs are often founded on— and to offer empirical evidence and independently verifiable proof of my claims.

This holds true for topics across the spectrum:

  • The beliefs and motivations of gun rights advocates

  • The original meaning, scope and purpose of the Second Amendment

  • Explaining how current gun control laws actually function

    • Including the gun show loophole myth, the background check fallacy, the truth about NICS, red flag laws and “assault weapon” bans.

  • The actual reason the “gun lobby” hold so much sway and why organizations such as the NRA, Gun Owners Of America, Firearms Policy Coalition and The Second Amendment Foundation are not lobbyists, but civil rights organizations.

  • Why so many politicians actually oppose gun control legislation.

  • Demonstrating ALL gun control is racist (yes, all of it. sorry)

  • And why an expansion of gun rights would save far more lives than an expansion of new gun control legislation.

But more than anything else these videos are my sincere attempt to engage with gun control advocates in an exchange of ideas to see where we can find common ground.